I can honestly say that although I completely disappeared I do have faithful supporters that still called, booked session after session after session after session, asked how everything was, and just showed so much love. From the bottom of my heart thank you, it has not gone unnoticed I am forever grateful!
Ok, so Tim was joking me saying... what on earth will you say, you have been gone forever... he suggested I reintroduce myself ha ha ha.... well I listen very well, and I have decided that I will do just that! Still again I think what will I say... I happened to glanced through a few image while was sitting at the dining table.. as I pack! yes I said pack.... that is part of the good news... but I will share that later :-) Any way my sister took a few images of my Tim & I at a church service not long ago.. this image excites me... Yes, it is overexposed and may seem soo wrong.. but it totally makes me smile and I just think it is soooo right... I like the unusual. I love the challenge of finding so much in so little... I really believe that "it is the little things that truly matter"
So, as an informal RE introduction of who I am please draw your attention to the image below.. it's explains sooo much about me in so many ways.....
This image was taken at the installation service of my dear brother "Pastor Cecil Scott" :-)
by none other than....1st Lady Precious Scott!
Oh how I love gray, and I love light...lots and lots of natural light, I love red lipstick..I absolutely love my husband's bow ties.. I love to be silly, I love to be close, I love things off centered, I love diagnoals, I love old wooden stairs....I looooove love my husband "Tim" I could squeeze him all day if only he'd hold still long enough (smile) I swear when I'm in his presence the LORD always blesses me with an abundant of light a radiating glowing light....I mean this guy truly lights my world. Lastly this image reminds me of how GOD continues to pour on me his grace and mercy day after day after day... awwwhhh I could go on and on and on and on .. but I I'll stop there...
There you have it... a little about myself. Please come back time to time to learn more! As some of you will notice my look sort of changed a little..... my personal look and as you will soon notice my photography style is starting to evolve.....there is of course always room from improvement, right? so each day I take as a new sticky note.. I jot down new ideas, set new goals, and believe God for new mercies. I pray that you come back often & grow with me! Enjoy!
Many Blessings,
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